Fact - In this case, the father alienated a part of the joint family property, by executing a mortgage deed. Later, he executed a...

Law Notes for Law students. study materials for BSL,LLB, LLM, and Various Diploma courses.
Fact - In this case, the father alienated a part of the joint family property, by executing a mortgage deed. Later, he executed a...
According to Manu, "Once only a partition made". If the partition is once made, it is final and irrevocable and hence,...
Judicial separation and Divorce are differ from each other. Judicial separation is suspension of conjugal rights for some ...
1. Husband living in adultery :- A single instance of the husband having sexual intercourse outside wedlock does not suffice. 2. Husba...
The Joint family of Hindu Law is an institution sue generis . It is peculiar to Hindu society. It consists a male, his wife an...
1) A married woman obtained by way of gift two sums of Rs. 10000 each from her father and father-in-law. She died in 1960 and is survived ...
(Problems and solution based on Hindu Adoption and maintenance Act 1956) 1) In 1950, A made an adoption in Goda form. One incide...
Distinction between Void Marriage And Violable Marriage No. Void Marriage Voidable marriage 1. Mean...
1) In Hindu family 'A' dies leaving widow 'W' and a son 'S'. Subsequently 'S' dies leaving his own widow ...
(Problems based on Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956..) 1) A Hindu widow adopts a child. Later on she remarries. Who is the adoptiv...
Marriage is a stable, Socially permitted exclusive Union between a male and female. According to Mazumdar marria...
Meaning : Pious' means 'godly, religious, devout, reverential. 'Pious obligation' means duty of a H...
A male or female can adopt a child provided he or she is a major and is of sound mind. A spinster or a divorced woman c...