Doctrine of self-preservation "Self-preservation" means the preservation of oneself from harm or destruction. Self-preservation wh...

Law Notes for Law students. study materials for BSL,LLB, LLM, and Various Diploma courses.
Doctrine of self-preservation "Self-preservation" means the preservation of oneself from harm or destruction. Self-preservation wh...
Introduction - Section 81 of the Indian Penal Code embodies the doctrine of necessity, It states that nothing is an offence merely by...
Section 144 of the Civil Procedure Code,1908 deals with the provision of restitution. Section 144 of the civil procedure code does ...
Doctrine Of Eclipse Meaning - The Doctrine of Eclipse is based on the Principle that a law which violates Fundamental Rights is not...
What is the doctrine of pleasure? In England, the normal rule is that a Civil Servant of Crown holds his office during the pl...
1) Introduction - Section 62 of the Indian Contract Act 1872 deals with the doctrine of novation. The expression "Nova...
The Foundation of the Modern law of damages, both in India and England is to be found in the Judgement in the case Hadley V. Baxen...
Doctrine of Jus Cogens : A treaty may be declared void if it conflicts with the general principles of Internatio...
What is Pacta Sunt Servanda? Pacta Sunt Servanda is a Doctrine borrowed from Roman law and has been ...
The Union Public Authorities, Union service officers, defense service officers enjoy office during the pleasure of the President. By the pl...
Meaning : Pious' means 'godly, religious, devout, reverential. 'Pious obligation' means duty of a H...
The expression ' Ratio Decidendi ' literally means " rule of law or Ruling or knowing the law"....
"Precedent literally means a rule followed or a principle applied previously by a competent authority under similar facts...
Colorable legislation - The supreme court explained the meaning and scope of the doctrine colourable legislation in the following term...
1) Introduction Estoppel - The doctrine of Estoppel is based on the principle of equity. S.115, S.116 and S.117 of ...
Res Ipsa Loquitur Res Ipsa Loquitur means thing itself speaks. In an action of negligence , t...
Doctrine of merger Introduction : -- The doctrine of meager has been explained in S.101 under the chapter of charge...
Question- Discuss the principle underlying doctrine of Lis pendens ? Right short note on list pendens . or Explain the doctri...