Introduction - Section 5 of the Transfer of Property Act Defines the 'Transfer of Property and Section 6 of the said Act makes it...
Essentials of a Valid Gift (Property Law)
Introduction - A gift is a transfer of certain existing movable or immovable property made voluntarily and without consideration, by o...
Difference between Corporal Property and Incorporeal Property
Introduction - Corporeal property and incorporeal property are two different property types that differ in many ways. Understanding the dif...
Gifts: Meaning, Definition, Kinds and Provisions (Section 122 to 129 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882)
Introduction - Section 122 to 129 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 deals with the provisions regarding Gifts, Section 122...
Onerous gifts ( Transfer of Property Act)
What is Gift ? Section 122 of the Transfer of Property Act defines Gift, According to Section 122, "Gift" is the transfer of cert...
Rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee.
Introduction - Section 108 of the transfer of property Act provides Rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee. Meaning and Definition of...
Mischief (Section 425 to Section 440 of the Indian Penal Code 1860 )
Introduction Section 425 to Section 440 of the Indian Penal Code 1860, deals with provision to Mischief. Section 425 of the India...
What Properties are not liable to attachment and Sale in execution of a Decree?
Introduction - Section 60(1) of the Civil Procedure Code, declares that all saleable properties are liable to attachment and sale ...
Property liable to attachment and sale in execution of decree.
Meaning of execution and decree - The execution of a decree is not defined in the Civil Procedure Code, execution mean...
Adverse possession (Section 27 of Limitation Act)
Adverse possession Meaning Adverse possession allows a person to claim a property right in land owned by another person. advers...
Kinds of Negotiable Instruments | Property Law
Meaning and definition of Negotiable Instrument- According to Black's Law Dictionary, Negotiable instrument is a written and signed...
Theories of Property | Property Law
The concept of property occupies an important place in human life because it is practically impossible to live witho...
Kinds of Property | Property Law
The word 'property' is derived from the Latin term 'properietate ' and the French equivalent ' proprius'...
Difference between Corporeal Property and Incorporeal Property
No. Corporeal Property Incorporeal Property 1 Corporeal property is the right of ownership i...
See Also..
1) Consider the following statements : A) Every promise is an agreement. B) Every agreement is a contract. C) A contrac...
1) Which one of the following element is not necessary for a contract ? A) Competent parties B) Reasonable terms and condition...
1) Give correct answer : A) Void agreements are always illegal. B) Illegal agreements are always voidable . C) Illegal a...
Computer is an important part of an accounting system. Computerized accounting systems are important to business in various...
Advantages of Law - There are many Advantages of law... some of the them are as follows : 1) Uniformity and Certainty: ...