1) What is Reinsurance - Reinsurance is a risk transfer mechanism whereunder an insurance company passes on the risk on an insura...

Law Notes for Law students. study materials for BSL,LLB, LLM, and Various Diploma courses.
1) What is Reinsurance - Reinsurance is a risk transfer mechanism whereunder an insurance company passes on the risk on an insura...
What is insurance - Insurance is a plan which ensures certainty of payment for the uncertain loss. The aim of all kinds of insuran...
The test of a valid insurance contract is the existence of the insurable interest. Insurable interest is nothing but an inter...
Multiple Type Questions and Answer...(Insurance Law) 1. Choose the correct option... A. In an insurance contract, an insurer makes ...
Introduction - Insurance is a contract in which one party (the insurer) agrees for payment of consideration (the premium) ...
In simple words, Insurance is a contract in which one party (the insurer), for a consideration (the premium), assumes a part...