Introduction - The Insurance Act 1938 is enacted and enforced in the year 1938, same is applicable to all over India, Section 64F speaks...
Persons Entitled to payment under Life Insurance
What is insurance - Insurance is a plan which ensures certainty of payment for the uncertain loss. The aim of all kinds of insuran...
Insurable Interest in Life insurance Classification of Insurable Interest in Life insurance (Insurance Law)
The test of a valid insurance contract is the existence of the insurable interest. Insurable interest is nothing but an inter...
Explain the concept and scope of life insurance what are the essentials of life insurance contract?
Introduction - Insurance is a contract in which one party (the insurer) agrees for payment of consideration (the premium) ...
Types and Evolution of insurance in India
What is insurance - Insurance is a contract between two parties. Here one party is insured and another party is the insurer. ...
Formation of Life Insurance Contract
In simple words, Insurance is a contract in which one party (the insurer), for a consideration (the premium), assumes a part...
Objectives of Life Insurance Corporation | Insurance Law
Life Insurance Corporation The Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956 provides for the nationalization of life insurance business ...
What is Life Insurance and what are Kinds/Types of Life Insurance ? | Insurance Law
In this world, no one knows what will happen in future. If we all are able to predict the future dangerous correctly then we ca...
Power and Functions of The Life Insurance Corporation of India | Insurance Law
Introduction- Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance Corporation Act on 19th June 1956, and Life Insurance Corporation of In...
Establishment, Constitution and Capital of the Life Insurance Corporation of India | Insurance Law
Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956 was passed by the Indian Parliament which came into force from 1st September 1956. Chapter...
See Also..
1) Consider the following statements : A) Every promise is an agreement. B) Every agreement is a contract. C) A contrac...
1) Which one of the following element is not necessary for a contract ? A) Competent parties B) Reasonable terms and condition...
Computer is an important part of an accounting system. Computerized accounting systems are important to business in various...
1) Give correct answer : A) Void agreements are always illegal. B) Illegal agreements are always voidable . C) Illegal a...
Advantages of Law - There are many Advantages of law... some of the them are as follows : 1) Uniformity and Certainty: ...